Xiaomi Mi 11 Pro ROM Update

Mi 11 Pro

Mi 11 Pro / Ultra firmware (codename star) below are the stock stable HyperOS and MIUI, which can be downloaded as Fastboot ROM, Recovery ROM and OTA Update.

Phone model name corresponds to M2102K1AC (China). Xiaomi ROM are downloaded free of charge from the official website miui.com. We only collect and publish links to stock flash files and original updates.

ModelMi 11 Pro / Ultra
Release dateMarch 2021
Current OSHyperOS 1, Android 14

Download the latest HyperOS and MIUI version and new updates:

China HyperOS

Latest version of the stable Chinese firmware for Mi 11 Pro / Ultra by Xiaomi.

Recovery ROM

HyperOS 1
Android 14
Release date
File size
5.76 GB
Official Link
Download (.zip)
Expand list

Fastboot ROM

HyperOS 1
Android 14
Release date
Flash file size
6.92 GB
Official Link
Download (.tgz)
Expand list

OTA Update

File size
340.04 MB
Apply for
Official Link
Download (.zip)

The latest HyperOS or MIUI update doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the best. Read the reviews on the 4PDA or XDA Developers websites before installing new software update to Mi 11 Pro / Ultra star. If you downloaded Flash File, Full ROM or the latest OTA Update and encounter problems with your device after installation, please write about it in the comments section, quoting the number of the buggy firmware.

When Mi 11 Pro / Ultra HyperOS 2 update will be released?

HyperOS 2 is already being tested. The final release is expected soon.

Other models in this lineup:
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Xiaomi Mi 11X
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Mi 11 Lite 4G
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Mi 11 Lite 5G
Xiaomi Mi 11 Lite 5G
Mi 11
Xiaomi Mi 11
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  1. Jan Derrick

    my device is on i want to downgrade to what should i do? thank you.

  2. DjMaty

    Dobry den, mam dost velky problem s Mi 11 Pro zkousel jsem udelat update na android 13 ale po aktualizaci se mi mobil restartoval a od te doby mi zustal na fastboot absolutne nic do neho nejde nahrat, system tam neni a bootloader je uzamceny. ani pres adb nebo fastboot nejde odemknout. prosim o radu dekuji. mobil je China Rom mars ale bohuzel jsem se toho vsiml az po nahrani Romu Star global. ten mi nejde nic.

    1. John

      Hi, I had the same problem, but it’s not the problem that you installed another version, the problem is that you had to unblock it before taking this step, even the company recommends.

      “Devices marked with ★ are locked. If your device is locked, please click here to unlock it first. Devices marked with ☆ are unlocked. If your device is unlocked, please just follow the following tutorial to complete the ROM flashing.”
      You can go for a Xiaomi Diler or you can find online and it cost about 30 euro.

  3. Mariana

    Where can I find the Global Rom for this phone?

    1. Yaroslav

      There’s only China Roms.

    2. John

      Here you find MIUI Global for Xiaomi Mi 11 Pro/Ultra there is the same phone only the difference is the back extra screen and camera.
      I do not recommend the global version because Google Pay and some functions that work on the CN or EU version do not work on GLOBAL. I tested on CN it works but not on GLOBAL.


  4. Stéphane

    hello is it possible to install this Chinese recovery rom on my Xiaomi.eu version? thank you

    1. Yaroslav

      I don’t exactly know this, but the Chinese recovery can corrupt your ROM and you’ll need full reflashing. It’s not recommend tj install such recoveries. Xiaomi.eu has TWRP installed – it’s more functional than any other.


    please, can I get ROM Global for Mi 11 PRO for recovery? Have tried many ROMS… no sucess…

    1. Yaroslav

      Well, if you can’t install any global rom. first of all check if the bootloader of your phone is unlocked/ Then try to install TWRP recovery. With TWRP you can install custom global ROM for your phone.
