Redmi Note 11 firmware (codename spes) below are the stock stable HyperOS and MIUI, which can be downloaded as Fastboot ROM, Recovery ROM and OTA Update.
Phone model name corresponds to 2201117TG (Global), 2201117TI (India), 2201117TL (Latin America). Xiaomi ROM are downloaded free of charge from the official website We only collect and publish links to stock flash files and original updates.
Model | Redmi Note 11 |
Release date | January 2022 |
Support | Active until January 2025 |
Current OS | HyperOS 1, Android 13 |
Download the latest HyperOS and MIUI version and new updates:
Global HyperOS
Latest version of the stable Global firmware for Redmi Note 11 by Xiaomi.
- Version
- OS
- HyperOS 1
- Android
- Android 13
- Release date
- 2024-10-21
- File size
- 3.82 GB
- Official Link
- Download (.zip)
- Changelog
- Expand list
- Version
- OS
- HyperOS 1
- Android
- Android 13
- Release date
- 2024-09-29
- Flash file size
- 6.24 GB
- Official Link
- Download (.tgz)
- Changelog
- Expand list
Recovery ROM
Fastboot ROM
- Version
- File size
- 286.74 MB
- Apply for
- Official Link
- Download (.zip)
OTA Update
Older official Global firmware for Redmi Note 11:
2024-08-08Fastboot (6.33 GB)
2024-07-23OTA (215.09 MB)
2024-06-17Fastboot (6.35 GB)
2024-05-28OTA (556.21 MB)
2024-03-04Fastboot (6.47 GB)
2024-02-07OTA (1.12 GB)
2023-12-14Fastboot (6.63 GB)
2023-11-28OTA (220.30 MB)
India HyperOS
Latest version of the stable Indian firmware for Redmi Note 11 by Xiaomi.
- Version
- OS
- HyperOS 1
- Android
- Android 13
- Release date
- 2024-06-24
- File size
- 3.69 GB
- Official Link
- Download (.zip)
- Changelog
- Expand list
- Version
- OS
- HyperOS 1
- Android
- Android 13
- Release date
- 2024-06-11
- Flash file size
- 5.15 GB
- Official Link
- Download (.tgz)
- Changelog
- Expand list
Recovery ROM
Fastboot ROM
- Version
- File size
- 463.65 MB
- Apply for
- Official Link
- Download (.zip)
OTA Update
Older official Indian firmware for Redmi Note 11:
2024-04-01Fastboot (5.21 GB)
2024-03-11OTA (1.23 GB)
2024-01-05Fastboot (5.01 GB)
2023-12-22OTA (100.38 MB)
2023-11-20Fastboot (5.00 GB)
2023-11-06OTA (240.54 MB)
Turkey HyperOS
Latest version of the stable Turkish firmware for Redmi Note 11 by Xiaomi.
- Version
- OS
- HyperOS 1
- Android
- Android 13
- Release date
- 2024-10-21
- File size
- 3.69 GB
- Official Link
- Download (.zip)
- Changelog
- Expand list
- Version
- OS
- HyperOS 1
- Android
- Android 13
- Release date
- 2024-09-29
- Flash file size
- 5.57 GB
- Official Link
- Download (.tgz)
- Changelog
- Expand list
Recovery ROM
Fastboot ROM
- Version
- File size
- 112.60 MB
- Apply for
- Official Link
- Download (.zip)
OTA Update
Older official Turkish firmware for Redmi Note 11:
2024-08-19Fastboot (5.75 GB)
2024-08-05OTA (341.64 MB)
2024-06-24Fastboot (5.77 GB)
2024-06-11OTA (313.89 MB)
2024-04-15Fastboot (5.79 GB)
2024-03-21OTA (1.16 GB)
The latest HyperOS or MIUI update doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the best. Read the reviews on the 4PDA or XDA Developers websites before installing new software update to Redmi Note 11 spes. If you downloaded Flash File, Full ROM or the latest OTA Update and encounter problems with your device after installation, please write about it in the comments section, quoting the number of the buggy firmware.
Now, I hate Xiaomi. This is not fair for note 11. At least blur control system…..🥺😔
Support – Active until January 2025
so that means there will be no more updates?
This means that the tele-phone will soon be added to the EOL list. Maybe there will be a farewell update, but maybe not.
After updated hyperos on my redmi note 11 mobile over heating and while using social media apps like Instagram ,mobile goes to reboot page
My mobile is hanging a lot but a lot , I don’t know what to do , i am blind send me properly so that i can download and install for redmi note 11
You can download Fastboot ROM and flash it via MiFlash Pro
O meu redmi note 11 não atualiza para hacker os e eu quero saber quando que vai sair porque eu testo link e não atualiza
Intelligent network selection=auto sim changer?or not?
I’m currently running on MIUI 13 and I want to install Hyper OS directly without having to install MIUI 14. Is it possible?
Will HyperOS come to this cell phone?
No information
Please upload the 5g network
miui 14.0.3 para redmi note 11 global, no me llega la actualizacion y no me deja actualizar de forma manual. “no se puede comprobar la actualizacion” “esta rom no se puede flashear”.
Pruebe la opción con fastboot.
Hello. I’m currently using MIUI version 13.0.16, having upgraded from version 13.0.3 only two weeks ago. The phone now suggests that I again “Upgrade” to version My question is, will that be an upgrade or a downgrade? I’m honestly not so well-versed when it comes to matters software. Your response is highly appreciated.
O Redmi Note 11, vai receber a MIUI 15
Today I get the software. I tried many times but I can’t use miui 14 version on my redmi note 11. How do I update my phone?
So, you have an update? If you can’t install it via OTA try other methods. Fastboot, for example.
У меня RedMi Note 11. И я скачаль последнюю обновлению. Но там нет раздела “выбрать файл прошивки” что делать скажите
Нужно 7 раз тапнуть по плитке, где картинка с версией MIUI. Появятся дополнительные пункты в меню.
is there any risk to download OTA update of Redmi note 11 manually?
No risks
Buenas. Tengo un Xiaomi Redmi Note 11 con rom de la India. La versión de Miui que tiene de fabrica es la con Android 11. Intento descargar aquí la versión que me pode el móvil que es la pero se me detiene la descarga cuando llega a 800 Mb. ¿Alguien puede ayudarme?
Intente descargar otra versión y luego instale la actualización deseada en forma de OTA
Mery redmi note 11 ma update k bad charging speed slow Hu gai Redmi team please jld uz jld esy solve out kry.thanks
Try Hard Reset
ارجو الرد متا يتوفر الروم الثابت الاندونيسية
لم يعرف بعد
I updated my note 11 to miui 13.0.8 Global and now finger sensor is not working ?
You need to do a rollback. Unlock the bootloader, turn on USB debugging, download needed ROM, install MiFlash Pro on PC, switch phone into Fastboot mode and flash the ROM.
متا يتوفر الروم الاندونيسي
I hope on Miui 14 version they will fix the video call quality issue on Messenger, WhatsApp and Viber apps.
May be
did you know about this problem?
No. It can be an issue of concrete model or something like that.
Пожалуйста делайте miui 14 Indonesia быстрее!!! Спасибо большое.
Извините, мы не Xiaomi. С этим вопросом к разработчикам.
My Note11 MIUI13.0.16.0 has been stuck on security patch 2022-09-01, when will a newer patch be released? I can’t even use this phone for work right now since they required at least patch 2022-12-01, bought this phone months ago thinking that it would always be up to date and I could use it for work, would have known and I would have bought a Pixel or Samsung phone instead.
You need to wait.
This phone was supposed to get update support until year 2025, still nothing
I’ve got Redmi Note 11 4G. When will global rom be available?
I can’t download my updated properly….its suddenly stopped… What i do now plz.. answer…,.?
Problems on server.
Guyz is anyone facing battery drainage problem after this update…
My Device: Xiaomi Note 11T Pro 5g
Please let me know…cozz if this is the issue then Xiaomi should really look into this matter…
There was an information, that update can cause some instability issues.
هل يتم تنزيل البرنامج الثابت الأندونيسي ام لا
Why my global Redmi Note 11( doesn’t have sidebar in floating windows?
May be that’s some bug in the ROM
Режим разработчика тоже включен
Why redmi note 11 so lag in games I encounter framedrops plss fix and i hope soon there has an ultra framerates in mobile legends.
Redmi note 11 Android 12 not receive please help me
You’d better wait. May be, your phone will update during the last wave of updates.
When is expected to be the last wave?
That information knows only Xiaomi developers.
just wanted you bhai
I just downloaded the update. How can I install it on my phone?
It depends on what type of update you downloaded: Fastboot, Recovery or OTA.
I downloaded the Recovery and the OTA. What should I do?
Which should I download and what do I do next after the download?
It depends on how do tou want to install the update: OTA, Recovery or Fastboot.
It depends on how you want to install an update: via Recovery, OTA or Fastboot.
When Will We Received Update Of Andriod 12 For Pakistan???
That information has only Xiaomi developers
When will we get android 12 update? note 10 has already got android 12 update
There’s not so simply with that phone. There was an update, but Xiaomi call it back because of some issues.
Please give me the fastboot rom list of RCGMIXM (redmi note 11 soes)
Unfortunately, only 13.0.6
I wonder of Xiaomi till now they didn’t release android 12 as stable public & google issued android 13
This version here is stable beta. I try to install it it give me error “flash to this stable version is not allowed”
It’s not allowed, cause that’s pilot for Mi testers or ROM for developers.
Please am from Nigeria and I use Xiaomi redmi note 11 miui13 Android version 12
Please how can I update to version 12
Is it possible after the relative update of Android 12 (miui 13) for the xiaomi redmi note 11 to get NFC connection ability ?
If there will be no bugs – it can be.
Ya descargue los archivos de la ROM como hago para poderlos aplicar a mi telefono
Tiene el idioma español? no importa si es de España o mexico etc.
¿Qué pasó?
Si es necesario,le responderemos en español)
Animation missing note 11
p.s.: Animation app opening closing animation problem in redmi note 11 solved it
Try to use hard reset (factory reset) with recovery or with the preferences of the phone. May be it help to solve the problem.
When will redmi note 11 get Android 12 update
Pleas tell
Release date
Or when will it gat update
We don’t know that. That all depends on Xiaomi developers.
I Need root Redmi Note 11 (spes)
First of all you need to unlock Bootloader with MiFlash Unloc, then you need to install TWRP Recovery and only after that you can install root on your phone. It’s recommended to use Magisk root.
need redmi note 11 Indonesia firmware
anyone know when we can have indonesia rom for redmi note 11 ?
thank you
No, we don’t. It depends only on Xiaomi developers.
Me too
please reboot my phone
Sorry, but I don’t understand you.
When will we get android 12 update? note 10 has already got android 12 update
It depends on Xiaomi only.
Hello i m from india. I have a Redmi note 11 and i received final sequrity update june 2024. Can i receive new sequrity update More?
Required Recovery ROM of REDMI NOTE 11(INDIA) Version
There is no needed ROM yet. You need to wait some time.