Xiaomi Router 7000 ROM Update

Xiaomi Router 7000

Stable firmware for Xiaomi Router 7000 (codename RC06) is downloaded for free from the official Xiaomi website — miwifi.com. We don’t make any changes to the original links, and we don’t keep the flash files and updates. This is stock ROMs.

You can download the latest version 1.1.16 and new updates for the Wi-Fi router below.

China 1.1.16

Latest version of the stable Chinese firmware for Xiaomi Router 7000 by Xiaomi.

1.1.16 ROM

Release date
File size
38.3 MB
Official Link
Download (.bin)
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Read the reviews on the 4PDA or XDA Developers websites before installing new software updates. If you downloaded the flash file or latest update, installed and encountered operation problems, please write about it in the comment section.

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  1. محمد سهيل

    متى يتم اطلاق النسخة العالمية

    1. Pavel author

      It is unknown whether it will be released at all.

  2. Neo

    Alguna novedad con la salida del firmware europeo? y alguien sabe si habra actualizacción para habilitar los 6ghz???
    Y alguien sabe como activar el dlna para compartir disco duro en red local???

  3. antoni

    I am now the proud owner of two AX6000 Rrouters and everything runs and works.

    Default language is Chinese and I cant change this because there is no meine entry for that.

    I am using google translator to Navigator through the frontend… works ok but its not fun!

    Does anyone have the latest firmware for the AX6000 in English, as “global version”?!

    A download link would be very helpful!


    1. Yaroslav

      There is no global version for this model. But you can find some custom firmwares with translated menu. But the stability of these ROMs is under the question. Visit XDA for finding such ROMs

  4. rafa

    hola, tengo be7000 wifi 7, tal cual venía de fábrica me daba unas 1700megas subida bajada, me saltó la ventana de actualización de sistema y el nuevo firmware no me pasa de 1000 megas la bajada y 50 la subida, he probado de todo, pero no me deja donwagradear, pensando seriamente devolverlo.

  5. scott bennett

    English Version Please. There is also a bug in the lan settings on this version. You cannot change your DHCP service to anything but the 192.168.1.X the 1 cannot be changed

    1. Yaroslav

      There is no English version for this model, as I know

  6. Alvin

    When will Xiaomi offer firmware for the 6ghz band for BE7000, without the 6ghz band, it is like a basic wifi 6 router

    1. Yaroslav

      There is no information

      1. THo

        You have to enable 6ghz band in the address or http://miwifi.com in the address bar then settings for the router BE7000, 7000 Router, RC06. It’s easy and possible!

        1. Jo

          Can you please tell where we can find this option? I did not find any 6ghz in the router settings.

  7. Ivan

    It will be possible to download EN version ?
    Thank you for the answer.

  8. Jaq

    Piotr, “przejdź” przez wcześniejszy fw, masz 1.0.* a omijasz 1.1.7 – może to to? Powodzenia!

  9. Piotr

    Witam kupiłem routera Xiaomi 7000 z softem 1.0.111 i nie mogę zaktualizować do najnowszej 1.1.16 niby fleszuja ale jak się uruchomi po fleszowaniu nadal jest ten orginalny

    1. Yaroslav

      W przypadku routerów wszystko nie jest łatwe. Jeśli działa dobrze-lepiej nie dotykać

  10. Rob


    when are you planning to launch European or non China firmware for this product please?
