Xiaomi Router BE3600 2.5G ROM Update

Xiaomi Router BE3600 2.5G

Stable firmware for Xiaomi Router BE3600 2.5G (codename RD15) is downloaded for free from the official Xiaomi website — miwifi.com. We don’t make any changes to the original links, and we don’t keep the flash files and updates. This is stock ROMs.

You can download the latest version 1.0.81 and new updates for the Wi-Fi router below.

China 1.0.81

Latest version of the stable Chinese firmware for Xiaomi Router BE3600 2.5G by Xiaomi.

1.0.81 ROM

Release date
File size
28.8 MB
Official Link
Download (.bin)

Read the reviews on the 4PDA or XDA Developers websites before installing new software updates. If you downloaded the flash file or latest update, installed and encountered operation problems, please write about it in the comment section.

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    Gente tenho 2 roteadores já fa mais de 1 ano e estão funcionando super bem na empresa. Tenho 2 internet e as duas estão ligadas nela.
    Se alguem precisar de ajudar para configurar pode falar comigo.

  2. Xiaohack

    Para cambiar el idioma del BE3600 (RD15) al idioma español o ingles acede a xiaohack.es y busque manual xmir-patcher-xiaohack

  3. andre

    If you need a language other than chinese you can use the mi home

  4. Kader

    Hey guys! Having a real headache with my new Xiaomi BE3600 2.5G Wi-Fi 7 router I got from AliExpress 🙁 The Wi-Fi network just won’t show up on any of my devices. Already tried the basics – restarted everything, did a factory reset, even connected directly with cable but no luck. Starting to think I got a faulty unit… Anyone else had this issue or know how to fix it? Really need help here!

    1. Yaroslav

      Chinese routers are a lottery – you never know, what problem they have. Try to find out any info at XDA forum

  5. Eric

    Guys, my BE3600 Just stay blinking BLUE light…How i fix that?

    1. Yaroslav

      Try Hard Reset

  6. joe computers

    i came here looking whether the 219 yuan xiaomi be3600 router language can be changed thank you

    1. Yaroslav

      You want to change the language into English? You need to install global firmware.

      1. Adrian

        and where can it be downloaded?

        1. Yaroslav

          Try to find it at XDA or some forums likde that

  7. Victor

    Hello, this modem is sold worldwide, we need an update in the main languages ​​or at least in English who is the world language. I am from Brazil and I hope an update for Portuguese comes out soon. Thank you.

    1. Yaroslav

      We are not Xiaomi

  8. Daniel Valadares

    Após atualizar o be3600 para a versão 1.0.65 o Led de indicação fica constantemente vermelho, não fica azul apesar de estar funcionando e outro problema é que ao conectar no Wi-Fi 7 com o s24ultra a Internet para de responder constantemente oque não acontece quando no Wi-Fi 6

    1. Yaroslav

      O indicador não é muito claro. Quanto ao Wi-Fi, você tem certeza de que seu roteador suporta esse padrão? Se não, não funcionará.

  9. nicola

    anche io ho solo lingua italiana, non trovo neanche l’ipostazione della vlan id, speriamo bene

  10. JMS

    Good morning,

    Is there any possibility to change language of the interface to English, using a Global firmware?
    I cannot only find Chinese ROM

    1. Jairo

      hello, I would also like to, if possible in Portuguese too!
