Stable firmware for Mi Router 4A Gigabit (codename R4A) is downloaded for free from the official Xiaomi website — We don’t make any changes to the original links, and we don’t keep the flash files and updates. This is stock ROMs.
You can download the latest version 2.30.500 and new updates for the Wi-Fi router below.
Read the reviews on the 4PDA or XDA Developers websites before installing new software updates. If you downloaded the flash file or latest update, installed and encountered operation problems, please write about it in the comment section.
Subscribe to our Telegram where we post when new firmware and updates are released.
Здравствуйте. У меня роутер 4a гигабитный. Версия прошивки стоит 1.0.34. Скачиваю любую версию хоть глобальную хоть китайскую пишет ошибка проверки файла. Как обновить подскажите?
Версия rd05 не прошивается там чип от реалтека, а не МТ.
onur uyar
merhabalar. Ben trendyoldan 4a gigabit edition satın aldım üstünde gelen sürümü 3.0.27 ile geldi ama hiçbir yerde bu sürümü bulamıyorum. Nerden ulaşabiliriz bu sürüme ?
I have new firmware 2023 mi router 4a gigabit edition global
Hi, download lastest rom (2.30.500 ROM) but take a File validation failed error. current ver. is Current version 2.28.503. what can I do?
Download other ROM.
es posible reeemplazar el firmware global por el firmware chino ??
En teoría es posible. pero no podemos dar instrucciones detalladas. intenta encontrarlo en foros como XDA.
There is no company update service to fix the router problem
The Chinese 2023 and global 2020 router update is the same device. I don’t understand why one company
Why in Mode Raptor we do not take advantage of all the features such as the tplink router, there is no new update for me, the router is very weak in performance mi router 4a gigabit edition global
You’d better ask your question to Xiaomi developers.
Where is developer? xiaomi
In China
Juan Yajure
Greetings, a question. If I have the latest version of the Chinese firmware and I want to go back to a previous one like the one left by 2.28.69, how would I do it and there would be no risk of the yellow light staying?. Thank you
You know, routers from Xiaomi are unpredictable. There are not even general recommendations on how to make everything work. It’s better for you to ask a question on specialized forums – people often face such problems there.
Why don’t we take advantage of all the features of the router, like all routers in the world, in Mode Raptor. It is not possible to change the ip or dns. The router is very weak. We want a new update to improve performance. mi router 4a gigabit edition global
I want a new update 2023. Take advantage of all the router features. The router signal is weak mi router 4a gigabit edition global
The page needs to be updated with latest information & firmware. Current firmware version of this router sold in India is “MiWiFi Release 3.10.18”
We’ll fix it.
Will my device brick if I install global rom on the chinese version?
Yes, it will
Greetings, I have my xiaomi A4 router, Chinese version, I say this because the box is completely in Chinese and the app, if I download it through the QR code, gives it to me in Chinese, I wanted to update the finwar with the Chinese version and it gave me errors, then I made the mistake to upload the global version and it happened that the transmission never finished, which according to what it said was that between 5 and 8 seconds the system had to boot up and then I left it like that until the next day and hours nothing, more than 8 hours passed and nothing then the Well, now it only remains on the yellow led and if I try to reset it, it won’t let me, then the blue led flashes and sometimes it stops but it doesn’t connect or transmit anything… please, I ask for any possible help. Thank you
¿es posible instalar una rom global en un enrutador de versión china? Si es así, ¿qué procedimiento debo seguir?
anyone have Xiaomi Mi Router 4A Gigabit Edition (Global) Firmware: 3.2.26 . i search this version
Try to find it at XDA or any such forums.
is it possible to install global rom to china version router; if so what procedure do i follow;thank you!
Hello, I installed the Chinese version, it works fine, but when I put it in wireless repeater mode, it does not let me control it from the miwifi app, any ideas? Will I have to open some ports?
Try to change regions in the app. It can be useful
that’s what i did, now everything works perfect thanks for answering
I can’t install rom 3.0.24 for the router using rom 2.28.69
What type of error is it?
DO NOT update china version 2.28.38 to Global 3.0.24 directly, You will get orange light.
mine is like this how did you manage to concrt it?
Pensei em baixar o novo firmware na esperança de correção do erro, porém, a interface não reconhece o firmware de forma alguma. Abri a interface com navegador Chrome. Ao atualizar aparece a mensagem dizendo que não foi possivel ler o arquivo bin.
Adquiri esse roteador a alguns dias por causa do 5g, que decepção! ele não passa de 94MB e minha internet é uma fibra de 350 MB. Pensei que fosse o cabo mas, testei o cabo direto no not book e alcançou os 350MB. Minha placa de rede suporta pois temos outra rede 5g em casa que posso utilizar. de fato, após todos os testes técnicos concluímos que meu router xiaomi 4A não suporta rede giga, só funciona a na potencia 2.4 até 100 MG ou seja, possui interface 5g falsa! Que decepção!
Thank you very much, but there is a problem, the broadcast range is too short Please pay attention to periodic updates to ensure stability
We’re not Xiaomi Developers.
Is this global version really for the gigabit edition? Because I tried this one and the result was a eternal orange led light blinking…
Yes, it is. If not – you couldn’t even install it on your device. May be router needs some tuning after installation.
Jorge Perez
Pudiste solucionarlo?
Ross Mokhtari
Hello, my xiaomi router 4a only has pptp connection, is there an firmware update that i can do so it would support l2tp?
ricardo santana
o meu parou de funciona depois da atualizaçao….acredito que so regravando a bios.
Você o carrega na recuperação? Tente uma redefinição de fábrica.
Zły rom
Wersja 3.0.24 ROM Nie Działa !!! Nie ściągać.
Pavel author
What exactly is not working? Share with everyone, please.
I downloaded and manually upgraded my router and now the orange light won’t go away. Been 15 minutes (the router page said it’ll take about 5-8 minutes for the router to upgrade. What should I do now?
Try to do Hard Reset.
Selam abi evet yükledim açılmıyor ne yapmalıyım
Ne demek açılmıyor?
Murat Sağdiç
sitenizden 3,0,24 yazılımını indirdim kablolu bağlantı yapmaktayım yazılımı atarken yükleniyor’da kaldı.şimdi’de ara yüze giremiyorum yardımcı olurmusunuz Rica etsem
Muhtemelen ürün yazılımı sürecinde bir tür hata olmuştur. Sonuçlar farklı olabilir. Sorun bellek yongasında olabileceğinden, master ile iletişime geçmek daha iyidir.
Da hora agora o meu só fica amarelo nem sinal de wifi nem consigo entrar mais no router era u.a vez um roteador.
Lo más probable es problemas con el firmware. Hay que esperar la actualización oficial de Xiaomi.
Здравствуйте. У меня роутер 4a гигабитный. Версия прошивки стоит 1.0.34. Скачиваю любую версию хоть глобальную хоть китайскую пишет ошибка проверки файла. Как обновить подскажите?
Версия rd05 не прошивается там чип от реалтека, а не МТ.
merhabalar. Ben trendyoldan 4a gigabit edition satın aldım üstünde gelen sürümü 3.0.27 ile geldi ama hiçbir yerde bu sürümü bulamıyorum. Nerden ulaşabiliriz bu sürüme ?
I have new firmware 2023 mi router 4a gigabit edition global
Hi, download lastest rom (2.30.500 ROM) but take a File validation failed error. current ver. is Current version 2.28.503.
what can I do?
Download other ROM.
es posible reeemplazar el firmware global por el firmware chino ??
En teoría es posible. pero no podemos dar instrucciones detalladas. intenta encontrarlo en foros como XDA.
There is no company update service to fix the router problem
The Chinese 2023 and global 2020 router update is the same device. I don’t understand why one company
Why in Mode Raptor we do not take advantage of all the features such as the tplink router, there is no new update for me, the router is very weak in performance mi router 4a gigabit edition global
You’d better ask your question to Xiaomi developers.
Where is developer? xiaomi
In China
Greetings, a question. If I have the latest version of the Chinese firmware and I want to go back to a previous one like the one left by 2.28.69, how would I do it and there would be no risk of the yellow light staying?. Thank you
You know, routers from Xiaomi are unpredictable. There are not even general recommendations on how to make everything work. It’s better for you to ask a question on specialized forums – people often face such problems there.
Why don’t we take advantage of all the features of the router, like all routers in the world, in Mode Raptor. It is not possible to change the ip or dns. The router is very weak. We want a new update to improve performance. mi router 4a gigabit edition global
I want a new update 2023. Take advantage of all the router features. The router signal is weak mi router 4a gigabit edition global
The page needs to be updated with latest information & firmware. Current firmware version of this router sold in India is “MiWiFi Release 3.10.18”
We’ll fix it.
Will my device brick if I install global rom on the chinese version?
Yes, it will
Greetings, I have my xiaomi A4 router, Chinese version, I say this because the box is completely in Chinese and the app, if I download it through the QR code, gives it to me in Chinese, I wanted to update the finwar with the Chinese version and it gave me errors, then I made the mistake to upload the global version and it happened that the transmission never finished, which according to what it said was that between 5 and 8 seconds the system had to boot up and then I left it like that until the next day and hours nothing, more than 8 hours passed and nothing then the Well, now it only remains on the yellow led and if I try to reset it, it won’t let me, then the blue led flashes and sometimes it stops but it doesn’t connect or transmit anything… please, I ask for any possible help. Thank you
¿es posible instalar una rom global en un enrutador de versión china? Si es así, ¿qué procedimiento debo seguir?
anyone have Xiaomi Mi Router 4A Gigabit Edition (Global)
Firmware: 3.2.26 . i search this version
Try to find it at XDA or any such forums.
is it possible to install global rom to china version router; if so what procedure do i follow;thank you!
Hello, I installed the Chinese version, it works fine, but when I put it in wireless repeater mode, it does not let me control it from the miwifi app, any ideas? Will I have to open some ports?
Try to change regions in the app. It can be useful
that’s what i did, now everything works perfect thanks for answering
I can’t install rom 3.0.24 for the router using rom 2.28.69
What type of error is it?
DO NOT update china version 2.28.38 to Global 3.0.24 directly, You will get orange light.
mine is like this how did you manage to concrt it?
Pensei em baixar o novo firmware na esperança de correção do erro, porém, a interface não reconhece o firmware de forma alguma. Abri a interface com navegador Chrome. Ao atualizar aparece a mensagem dizendo que não foi possivel ler o arquivo bin.
Adquiri esse roteador a alguns dias por causa do 5g, que decepção! ele não passa de 94MB e minha internet é uma fibra de 350 MB. Pensei que fosse o cabo mas, testei o cabo direto no not book e alcançou os 350MB. Minha placa de rede suporta pois temos outra rede 5g em casa que posso utilizar. de fato, após todos os testes técnicos concluímos que meu router xiaomi 4A não suporta rede giga, só funciona a na potencia 2.4 até 100 MG ou seja, possui interface 5g falsa! Que decepção!
Thank you very much, but there is a problem, the broadcast range is too short Please pay attention to periodic updates to ensure stability
We’re not Xiaomi Developers.
Is this global version really for the gigabit edition? Because I tried this one and the result was a eternal orange led light blinking…
Yes, it is. If not – you couldn’t even install it on your device. May be router needs some tuning after installation.
Pudiste solucionarlo?
Hello, my xiaomi router 4a only has pptp connection, is there an firmware update that i can do so it would support l2tp?
o meu parou de funciona depois da atualizaçao….acredito que so regravando a bios.
Você o carrega na recuperação? Tente uma redefinição de fábrica.
Wersja 3.0.24 ROM Nie Działa !!!
Nie ściągać.
What exactly is not working? Share with everyone, please.
I downloaded and manually upgraded my router and now the orange light won’t go away. Been 15 minutes (the router page said it’ll take about 5-8 minutes for the router to upgrade. What should I do now?
Try to do Hard Reset.
Selam abi evet yükledim açılmıyor ne yapmalıyım
Ne demek açılmıyor?
sitenizden 3,0,24 yazılımını indirdim kablolu bağlantı yapmaktayım yazılımı atarken yükleniyor’da kaldı.şimdi’de ara yüze giremiyorum yardımcı olurmusunuz Rica etsem
Muhtemelen ürün yazılımı sürecinde bir tür hata olmuştur. Sonuçlar farklı olabilir. Sorun bellek yongasında olabileceğinden, master ile iletişime geçmek daha iyidir.
Da hora agora o meu só fica amarelo nem sinal de wifi nem consigo entrar mais no router era u.a vez um roteador.
Lo más probable es problemas con el firmware. Hay que esperar la actualización oficial de Xiaomi.